The City of Hamilton is participating in a very eco-friendly program this Spring, they are offering up free trees to home owners in efforts to benefit The City. Fighting climate change, reducing air pollution, benefiting wildlife and improving neighbourhood image are just a few of things Hamilton is hoping to achieve and they are making it very simple to participate and do your part as home owners!
It's as easy as 1-2-3; make sure you meet the program guidelines, submit an online request or call 905-546-2489 and finally a Forestry Investigator will visit your lot to assess and approve your tree selection. Even when it comes to the guidelines put in place, The City is very accommodating, as long as you are not located in a boulevard where the width of the grass area is less than 1.75 meters its basically fair game! The number of trees will just be limited by your lot shape and size.
The City will be offering approximately 40 different native and non-native trees to provide diversity on the streets and ensure that the tree(s) you choose to plant are suitable for your location. Planting will take place all year starting in the Spring time and going into the Fall, details are confirmed and provided to contractors well ahead of planting dates.
After the initial install, the tree's up keep is your responsibility. The City will plant it and install a tree guard to help provide protection. But after that they are no longer involved, they will provide information on how to properly care for your tree and keep it alive and well.
For more information on the program and for answers to any questions you may have about becoming a participant visit The City of Hamilton's website :

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